Thursday, January 26, 2012

In Australia Day Mode

So how did your Australia Day go? It was one of those sloooow mornings that take time getting going, with the compulsory bacon and egg for brekky. Plus a coffee.

After that, I carried on re-vamping my blog, so my head was buried for most of the day. When I did come up for air, I noticed the weather wasn't the best - overcast with added rain. At least down on the south coast we didn't have the heavy rain that Sydney received. My granddaughter and the cat took it all in their stride; the former playing either on the computer or with her iTouch, the latter in usual mode - flat out, as cats usually are during the day.

Yesterday, Jassie was in lizard mode and decided to catch a lovely black one - no idea what it was, but it certainly wasn't one I have seen here before. Much to his disgust, it escaped him. I noticed him trying to clamber up the towels hanging on the clothes airer. Wondering what he was up to, I decided to investigate. I found the lizard tucked up in a towel and rescued it.

In the meantime, we have one very confused cat...

Where did that Lizard go?

Still sniffing...

We are not impressed!

Pity I wasn't quicker and took pics of him dragging the towels off the airer, it was quite amusing. A happy ending, I let the lizard loose into the bushes and quite safe from Le Cat.

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